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It should be a prospect of LED lighting driver IC industry actively take into

Categories: NEWSStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2015-05-19 15:50:00
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With age, high oil prices and global warming is a growing problem, the recent related topics of energy saving and reduce CO2阿 emissions. Electricity prices rising to a variety of methods were present to save power. Among them, in order to can greatly save the power consumption of LED lighting to replace traditional fluorescent efficacy is most significant, push around the world also LED lighting, from auxiliary lighting to the lighting, even the road lamps. As the LED component quality and conversion efficiency related technical breakthrough, LED to replace traditional fluorescent lamp trend is increasingly obvious, industry experts believe that in the next three to five years, LED lighting will become mainstream.

According to the photovoltaic industry association (PIDA) estimates that in Taiwan LED light source will grow 13% from 2007 in 2008, is worth $98 million, will exceed $100 million in 2009.Engineering institute in Taiwan (IEK) also think, with ever increasing LED technology and application field of more and more widely, the LED lighting market scale in 2010 is expected to reach $771 million, 2006 ~ 2010 annual compound growth rate of 39%.

Actively developing high power LED driver

In fact, the recent warming of the relevant market is also arouse the enthusiasm of the upstream and downstream related industries in Taiwan, in terms of Taiwan IC design industry, there have been many simulation and the simulation of IC manufacturers in LED lighting driver IC field.
